Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Becoming a Better Person within 15 days

lifeprohub happiness, is often determined by how one behaves towards things around and also how others behave towards us. Well, the pressure of the demands of life was found to be reduced in a way become a better person.
An interesting article written by a contributor newsmedia He elaborated on some tips to make us a better person within 15 days. He claimed that 15 the way she potion of manual MTBH (Meant To Be Happy) and his personal experiences.
For 15 days in a row he did the following things to improve themselves into a better person, namely:

Day 1:
Forgive those who've hurt us, even if they do not apologize. Manifestations is to give holiday greetings or birthday to anyone in our contact list without discriminating.
Day 2:
Concerned with the feelings of a stranger, even though they do not care. When getting the news of the death of the parents of a friend, we can send condolences Atua send flowers.
Day 3:
Doing good selfless and anonymous. Once again we could visit the home or make a donation without heralded our name anyone. Or by doing activities that simple pulses sent to friends in trouble without telling the friend that we have sent pulses.
Day 4:
Let the queue behind us turn first because only buy one item. While waiting in line at the supermarket and happened to be the person behind us only buy one item, whereas we buy stuff, we can let the cashier first served.
Day 5:
Giving up something we love to others. For example, once in a while we need to treat our friends to eat. Or it could also help friends doing his job.
Day 6:
Do not mind to change your mind if it is the opinion of others better. In the discussion, for example, there are times when we play a more dominant ego. Consider the cost and benefit of our opinion and others, if the opinions of others better, we must legowo accept it.
Day 7:
Sharpen our character. If we want to be known as a person cool and friendly, then do not do the things that make us look rough. One example is by not replying to emails people with words that could offend.
Day 8:
Accidentally visiting relations just to stay in touch. For example, we worked with someone in a project. It has been more than two years we have not met with the working partner. So, this is a good time for a visit to his home.
Day 9:
Give examples of others for the better. We can meet with colleagues with the worst performance in the team. Then we motivate and foster confidence that he can be like the others, or even more.
Day 10:
Understand that every word and deed will have consequences in the future Generally, in the workplace there is always politics or gossip about anyone. First we have to avoid this, the second we can warn people who gossip to do so.
Day 11:
Do not say "yes" if you actually want to talk to "no". When given the additional work by the boss and in fact we can not do it, we should be honest and say "no".
Day 12:
More concerned with truth than the image / self-image. A simple example is to say "do not know" rather than describe things that are not true just to be smart.
Day 13:
Instead of cursing the delay, the better pray that bad things do not happen to him.The implementation could be by greeting "hello" when we call people who answered our call, even though it was a long answer.
Day 14:
Understand that others have the right to disagree with us. When others comment on our posts and pitched not agree, usually we will argue endlessly long. Occasionally, we may think that not everyone is like us and stop arguing.
Day 15:
Noting the impact of the words and deeds to others. The short example is to say sorry when we make other people sad by words or deeds.


About Charan

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