Wednesday, 11 November 2015

How to Get Pregnant Most Effective and Proven Success You Must Try!

How to Get Pregnant Most Effective and Proven Success You Must Try! LIFEPROHUB>BLOGSPOT

Quick tips and proven successful complete pregnant are advised bygynecologists. Nature as a married woman is pregnant, have children and have a family with warmth. Each newly married couple must have been dreaming of a life complete with fruit accompanied by a good heart and can color their lives. These last few years, indicating that there are many young couples who get married and then decide to get pregnant.

They already have the intention and want to take full responsibility to have a baby of their marriage. Would have been very happy if we can have a healthy baby and cute that became the pride for both parents.

But apart from happiness to have a baby, did you ever hear or find a partner that even long-married and have not had a baby too? It is being debated its own when a long-married woman who has not had children. Usually it will be a lot of rumors in the community that makes the couple feel sad and confused about how to get the baby.

Sometimes have problems for the heart is not easy, for couples who have problems or abnormalities it is usually difficult to have a baby. And in this article we sangaja the theme that contains simple tips to get pregnant quickly, even directly from the experts.

For more details you can refer to the information below to the end so that you understand what needs to be done if until now you are not pregnant.

✤  Why am I not pregnant? 

The question arises Biasana of couples married women, but until this moment not pregnant. Sometimes we feel have done our best effort, but the results still nil.Sometimes we also desperate because it was not getting pregnant too long, not to mention the talk from outside that often makes us feel hurt.

But this time you do not berkecik hearts, because we will help you so that you can get pregnant in the near future. Prior to the tips, we will provide an explanation of the cause of a woman's difficult pregnancy so that you can prevent and resolve the issue.

✤  Causes of Difficult Times

Below are 10 common causes of infertility problems that you need to be aware of and avoid.

1. Damage to the oviduct
Sometimes we do not realize that the fallopian tubes into the uterus we have problems that cause infections that can be transmitted, even becoming sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia. In addition, the damage could be caused due to blockage due to inflammation stage someone has surgery or even been running operations ectopic pregnancy.

2. Early Monoupause
Sometimes people get married when aged merea has begun to mature, such as a woman who married over 30 years let alone entered the age of 40 years tend to be more difficult to get pregnant, other than the uterus has begun to dry up, the other factor is due to the menopause early, it can be caused by radiation so that the body of a woman become resistant and uterine function has stopped so as not to produce eggs again alias does not menstruate. This condition makes woman trouble conceiving.

3. Endometriosis
This situation is precisely the condition in which uterine tissue grows outside the uterus, which can affect the function of organs such as the ovaries uterus, telut tract, uterus and sperm. With the state of the so-called womb outside the womb can affect a person's fertility and cause a woman difficult to pregnant.

4. Polycystic ovary syndrome
Perhaps this syndrome is very foreign to our ears as a layman in the world of health. For information, this syndrome is a syndrome that causes the production of androgen hormones, but these hormones is one of the causes of fertility problems for women. With the large number of androgen hormones can disrupt the menstrual cycle and make a woman pregnant difficult.

5. Damage to the ovary due to surgery
Sometimes among us, as women had experienced disease cyst in the womb. To cope with this disease also we have to do surgery. And usually after running the operation without realizing our ovaries have been damaged, so the follicles in the uterus complete should be incomplete and reduce the level of kesuburuan woman.

6. Problems of the thyroid gland
In the body of a woman there are two types of the thyroid gland, both have different functions. One of them is normal and good, and on the other hand are abnormal and impaired fertility. While in this condition abnormal thyroid even more active, which can cause infertility.

7. Adhesion pelvis
7 points is a detailed explanation of the first points that discussed the uterus damage as a result of the operation stage and the inflammation of the appendix.By doing this operation to make changes to the network structure of the tubes and cause a trip disrupted egg cells thereby inhibiting a woman's fertility.

8. Treatment of cancer and tumors
Usually someone of women who are ill and suffering from intractable diseases such as tumor, cancer or some other disease that requires long-term treatment, chemotherapy and treatment through the light, would impair a woman's fertility, causing the difficulty pregnant women.

9. Lifestyle
We know that the lifestyle of a woman today is very different, they like smoking, taking drugs, drinking alcohol, rarely eating nutritious food, and some bad habits in lifestyle is exactly what makes a woman has uterine infertile so hard to get pregnant ,

10. Age
A person who has reached the age of above 30 years will be prone to have a miscarriage as a result of the egg that is not healthy and quality have started to decline. Especially for those who are late or the pregnancy of her marriage late, this also causes a person trouble conceiving.
Thus 10 causes infertility problems so now you've got a strong reference, to remain on a healthy life and avoid bad things as described above.
As a result do not have children

✤  It Consequently If Not Having Children

How to Get Pregnant Most Effective and Proven Success You Must Try! LIFEPROHUB>BLOGSPOT

What are the consequences if kitda not have children? Hmm definitely quiet and less colorful life yaa. And for more details below we will describe some of the result of not having children.
  • People who do not have children the same as not having future investment, because the child is an investment for parents. Therefore, having a child is an obligation for those who are married.
  • Have children make a person's life is much more meaningful, more colored and more useful. By having a baby, can show that we have been through life with a happy and complete.
  • When not having children normally we would be lonely and feel life is empty, there is no place for sharing and not da place to pour affection.
  • It megapa people try hard so that they could have children, so that their lives are not as empty as described above.

✤  Why pregnancy program should be the maximum?

For tips for you, before you become pregnant should you and your partner are planning a pregnancy beforehand. You should have consulted those experts in pregnancy, such as midwives, doctors and other medical experts. Because the plan and consult with a pregnancy, can help you faster in getting pregnant.

Then you will then draw up a program to run programs that could support the process of your pregnancy. Run the program in accordance with the advice of the doctor and you can make a book or a web reference through which it provides readings for pregnant women.

✤  tips from obstetricians to get pregnant quickly

At this session we will present information on how to get pregnant quickly through the tips suggested by the obstetrician so that we can quickly get pregnant.

1. Pray to God
The first thing to be done is for sure and you must pray first to God according to their beliefs. You must be confident and really pray, begging to be given in the near future baby healthy and complete. Because the impossible can become possible when you pray and believe in God.

2. Check the condition of health
Do not forget to check the health of your doctor, ask for advice and run with good advice. Besides doctors usually give tips that can make you much more quickly to get the baby. And in this process abnormality or damage in the event it can be detected with good, so as not to impact on the process of your pregnancy.

3. Healthy lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle greatly affect a woman's fertility, it's why you should be able to maintain the health and implement healthy living that supports all the hormones and the readiness of the uterus. Avoid bad habits and things that can interfere with your fertility. Healthy living is also very influential in the fetus that was conceived later, so your child will be healthy lebi.

4. Fertile period
Important for those who are already married to knowing your fertile period, because by knowing your fertile period can determine when it is appropriate to have intercourse so that sperm will penetrate the egg faster and faster you expected pregnancy.

5. Learn pregnancy
Before you get pregnant it is better if you learn about pregnancy issues and matters relating to fertility, expected after knowing this you can prevent and avoid these things.

6. Position intercourse
It is a top priority for someone who wants to become pregnant in order to pay attention to the exact position of intercourse. Because the right position can make a perfect penetration so that the sperm will be faster and more easily reach the egg so that fertilization occurs immediately.

7. Enjoy the time together
Do not forget to be able to create a climate where sexual intercourse is warm and romantic. Because of the relationship with a loving and relaxed to make things better, and it also supports the sperm to be able to more easily reach the egg, so you and your partner will enjoy every moment of time together.

8. Vitamin
And the last is do not forget to take vitamins or supplements are advised doctors to support the health and kesuburuan you. Vitain is usually recommended is vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin E.

✤  Good wholesome food while running a program of pregnancy

Before you get pregnant, you have a lot of homework. In addition to knowing how to quickly get pregnant, you should also learn about healthy foods that can make you more fertile womb and later you are ready to accept the fetus. Because healthy mothers will have healthy fetuses anyway. And we have prepared the following information about healthy foods to support your pregnancy prgogram.

1. Water
It is important for you to consume water in large amounts, you have to drink at least 8 liters per day or more depending on the capacity of the body and work. If indeed you need to supply more, there's nothing wrong if you drink more. Because water helps to neutralize toxins and remove impurities in the body so that it can make the body more healthy.

2. Vegetables
Well you need to know that from now on you should eat lots of vegetables that contain vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. Moreover, foods that contain amino acids, folic acid which is useful to help the growth of the fetus later. Get used to eating green vegetables or other vegetables and cook until completely cooked food and avoid half-baked.

3. Fruit
Fruit complement your food, after eating vegetables, it helps you make the fruit as a healthy snack at leisure. The fruit is a source of natural vitamin that is very good for human health, especially for those who in the course of pregnancy and for you who are still pregnant.

4. Meat and fish
In choosing a side dish, you have to be smart. Do not let you consume unhealthy side dish. Choose meat that is still fresh, fresh sea fish as a side dish that comes from beef, chicken and fish has many benefits for health and support your fertility.
Healthy food that is as it we can say hopefully you can eat healthy foods, not only when running the program you are pregnant, but also the habit every day.

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